About Me

Hey there! I’m Samoy Lim, and I’m all about helping you create a career that lights you up. My own career path has been anything but straightforward – filled with twists, turns, and unexpected detours. I’ve explored different industries, faced challenges, and learned a ton along the way. These experiences have given me a unique perspective and a toolbox filled with practical strategies for success.

Now, I’m passionate about paying it forward. Through “Life with Samoy,” I share my insights, experiences, and tools to empower you to navigate your own professional journey. We’ll dive into practical stuff like resume tips and interview prep, but we’ll also go deeper. Think uncovering your passions, aligning your values with your work, and building the resilience to face whatever comes your way.

I firmly believe a fulfilling career is more than just a job; it’s an extension of who you are. It’s about waking up excited for the day ahead, contributing your unique talents, and making a meaningful impact. So, if you’re ready to create a career that truly lights you up, let’s connect! Join me on “Life with Samoy” and let’s make it happen.